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Why choose ARAG?

Supporting the growth and advocating on behalf of your members is at the core of your association’s goals. Offer your members protection from common legal issues with a Legal Expense Insurance policy.


We will work with you to build a solution that directly benefits your association’s goals and operations as ARAG:

Guys fist bumping in the office
  • Allows you to select a package of personal and/or business coverages that address your members’ legal risks.
  • Makes program implementation easy, as the ARAG team provide launch and on-going marketing support and usage reporting.
  • Empowers associations to also advocate on behalf of Canadian families and small businesses to address the silent, but significant access to justice issues within our country.

We are confident your group or association members would benefit from a policy that is uniquely designed to suit their needs. A proposal tailored to your needs demonstrates how ARAG will support your organization’s goals of delivering added-value and innovative services to your membership.